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Meet Our Founder

Hello, I'm Jodie.

I had my first job in care at age 14, working as a kitchen assistant in a nursing home. After college, I took a job as a care assistant, which was supposed to be temporary. I soon realised care was a very special type of work, and one that I loved. So, off I went to university to train as a registered nurse.

By my mid 20s I was managing nursing homes in the private sector, becoming the youngest Home Manager in the company. My passion was providing the very best quality of life for the older people in my care.

For the last 12 years I’ve extended my knowledge, working as an expert witness, advising the UK courts on matters relating to care packages and care provision I specialise in care of older people and people with life limiting illnesses.

Alongside this, I maintained my nursing expertise by community nursing for a hospice at home charity- helping people to stay at home for their end of life care. I hold advanced qualifications in dementia care, care management and advice and guidance.

My experiences, both personal and professional, of seeing families struggling to get the care they need, and often leaving it too late to plan, motivated me to set up BCS.

I now use my years of experience to deliver fast, effective, care finding solutions for older adults. I can honestly say that it is my most rewarding work to date. 

If you, or someone you know, is struggling to find the right care, please do get in touch. We carry out every care search as if it were for a loved one of our own.

I look forward to hearing from you,
"This service has saved our family a huge amount of time and stress as undoubtedly this would have been a huge undertaking for us to do ourselves to find the right solution".

Liz Moore

Our team of advisors

At Brookes Care Solutions, we believe in collbaorative working and sharing best practice. 

Although you will have one point of contact when your work with us, behind the scenes we have access to a wealth of professional expertise, which we can draw on when needed.

Our growing team of specialist advisors are on hand to offer expert input on the care options we recommend. 

Between us we hold extensive knowledge of the care system and this expertise adds tremendous value for our clients.
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Sadie Dilloway
Safeguarding Expert

Sadie is passionate about all things safeguarding. Specialising in delivering high quality training to a range of clients on safeguarding of vulnerable adults and children. Sadie is also an accredited 'safer recruitment' trainer. Brookes Care Solutions is delighted to have Sadie to advise us on all aspects of safeguarding, ensuring the highest standards for our clients.
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Belinda Mclean
Lead Occupational Therapist

With 30 years of experience as an occupational therapist, Belinda’s expertise lies in understanding the complexities which arise throughout a person's journey into the advanced years of life. She is creative in finding the best solutions for optimising the home environment and promotes continuing participation in valued and essential daily activities. Based in Oxfordshire, Belinda is available for home visits by arrangement.

Kerry Lloyd
Independent Advanced Physiotherapist

With 25 years of clinical experience as a Physiotherapist, Kerry is highly experienced in general Musculoskeletal conditions and has a particular interest in spinal conditions and persistent pain. Kerry provides home visits for people needing rehabilitation for Musculoskeletal injuries, after orthopaedic surgery, and for people who have had amputations or other traumatic injuries. She is also able to help people with general mobility issues or after falls. She has a Masters degree in Physiotherapy.

Book a free call and let’s find out how we can help you.

We offer this supportive, non-judgemental, and completely no obligation discovery call that allows us to get some understanding of your situation and gives you a useful nursing perspective. 
Make yourself a cuppa and let’s chat.

How our care navigation services help you as well as your loved one

Expert approach

We know what good care looks like and can spot potential pitfalls.

Save time

We navigate the system quickly, and will respond to you quickly.

Save money

We look at all available options, including those that are free of charge.

Reduce stress

Looking for care can incredibly stressful. Let us help you.
Be assured of a professional service.

Quality of life

Dont spend hours on the phone- time is precious-spend it with your loved ones.


Book a call to find out more about how I can help you.